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Howlers DayCare


At Howlers Daycare your companion will benefit from creative play, in a positive way utilizing experienced trainers, structures and walks. 

Having over 20-years of dog breeding, care, and training experience provides us with the advantage to assist you in supporting a dogs behaviour growth journey. 

Your pup is our focus while visiting. We always ensure a safe environment with appropriate supervision. While visiting, your pup will enjoy being well cared for, stimulated mentally and physically, and have a fun-filled day.


What we offer;

  • Temperament identification evaluations

  • Safe friends to play with

  • Safe fenced potty areas

  • 4 huge outdoor play areas, one over 1 acre!

  • Matted indoor areas to play

  • Appropriate playtime and rest time


​What we do;

  • We will care for your dog as our own

  • Your dog will only play with other dogs of like temperaments

  • We will teach your dog new tricks and games

​Mandatory Vaccinations;

  • Rabies

  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)

​Note:   Titre Testing is acceptable

AM Check-in / out:
PM Check-in / out:
Daily Fee:
Early Drop-off
20PACPASS (5 Free)
10PACPASS (2 Free)
5PACPASS (1 Free)

7 am - 10 am
4 pm - 7 pm
$38.00 + HST
$43.00+ HST

$760.00 + HST
$380.00 + HST
$190.00 + HST
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